Lono is a CloudFormation framework tool that helps you manage your templates. Lono handles the entire CloudFormation lifecycle. It starts with helping you develop your templates and helps you all the way to the infrastructure provisioning step.
- The first stage of lono is you crafting and writing the CloudFormation templates. Lono enables you to write your CloudFormation templates in a DSL or ERB templating language. Once you are ready, then you can generate the templates with lono generate.
- You then specify the desired parameters to use for the CloudFormation template. You do this with simple env-like param files. The format is easy on the eyes.
- In the end, lono puts it all together and launches the stack for you. It takes what is normally a manual multi-step process and simplifies it down to a single command: lono cfn deploy.
Here is a diagram that describes how lono works.
Lono Features
- Ability to use Existing CloudFormation Templates.
- The Lono DSL - Generate templates from beautiful code.
- Write your CloudFormation parameters with simple env-like values.
- Preview CloudFormation changes before pressing the big red button.
- Layering - Allows you to build multiple environments like development and production with the same template.
- Variables - Allows you to construct templates where runtime Parameters do not suffice.
- Helpers - Allows you to extend Lono and simplify code.
- Configsets - Configuration Management. Automatically configure EC2 instances with reuseable code.
Lono Tutorial Series
- Part 1: EC2 Instance
- Part 2: EC2, EIP, and Previews
- Part 3: Configs Params Variables
- Part 4: Layering
- Part 5: Lono Code Convert and Import
- Part 6: Lono Seed
- Part 7: Variables and Loops
- Part 8: Helpers
CloudFormation Introduction Series
- Part 1: EC2 Instance
- Part 2: EC2 Instance and Route53
- Part 3: Updating a Stack
- Part 4: Change Sets = Dry Run Mode
- AWS CloudFormation Declarative Infrastructure Code Tutorial
Pro tip: Use the <- and -> arrow keys to move back and forward.
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