Minimal IAM Policy

The IAM user you use to run the lono cfn deploy command needs a minimal set of IAM policies in order to deploy. Here is a table of the baseline services needed:

Service Description
CloudFormation To create the CloudFormation stacks that then creates the the AWS resources that your creates.
S3 To create the lono managed s3 bucket. Lono uploads the generated CloudFormation template here. App Files are also uploaded here.

However, it really depends on what your CloudFormation templates provision. If your templates provision an ec2 instance like the demo blueprint then you’d need EC2 also.


It is recommended that you create an IAM group and associate it with the IAM users that need access to use lono cfn deploy. Here are starter instructions and a policy that you can tailor for your needs:

Commands Summary

Here’s a summary of the commands:

aws iam create-group --group-name Lono
cat << 'EOF' > /tmp/lono-iam-policy.json
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
aws iam put-group-policy --group-name Lono --policy-name LonoPolicy --policy-document file:///tmp/lono-iam-policy.json

Finally, create a user and add the user to IAM group. Here’s an example:

aws iam create-user --user-name tung
aws iam add-user-to-group --user-name tung --group-name Lono

Note, in the example, we’re also adding permission for EC2. This demo policy should be enough to launch an EC2 instance in the blueprint that lono blueprint new demo generates.

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