
Lono’s behavior can be tailored using a settings.yml file. This file should be created at ~/.lono/settings.yml or configs/settings.yml within the project. The options from the files get merged with the following precedence:

  1. current folder - The current folder’s configs/settings.yml values take the highest precedence.
  2. user - The user’s ~/.lono/settings.yml values take the second highest precedence.
  3. default - The default settings bundled with the tool takes the lowest precedence.

Let’s take a look at an example lono/settings.yml:

# The base config is specially treated. It gets included the other environments automatically.
  # extract_scripts:
  #   to: "/opt"
  #   as: "ec2-user"
  # stack_name_suffix: random # tack on a 3 char random string at the end of the stack name for lono cfn create

  # The aws_profile tightly binds LONO_ENV to AWS_PROFILE and vice-versa.
  # aws_profile: dev_profile

  # The aws_profile tightly binds LONO_ENV to AWS_PROFILE and vice-versa.
  # aws_profile: prod_profile

The table below covers what each setting does:

Setting Description
aws_profile This provides a way to tightly bind LONO_ENV to AWS_PROFILE. This prevents you from forgetting to switch your LONO_ENV when switching your AWS_PROFILE thereby accidentally launching a stack in the wrong environment. More details are explained in the LONO_ENV docs.
extract_scripts This configures how the extract_scripts helper works. The extract_script helpers can take some options like to to specify where you want to extract app/scripts to. The default is /opt, so scripts end up in /opt/scripts.

Pro tip: Use the <- and -> arrow keys to move back and forward.

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