
Lono has been written from years of experience and provides a workflow that makes CloudFormation much easier. Lono makes it possible to reuse CloudFormation templates. You can deploy the same templates across AWS accounts and build multiple environments.

Lono is available under a Source Available license and free to use. You can download it from RubyGems. Give a spin and see if it’s the right fit for you.

If you’re using lono, all we ask is that you register. Registration allows lono to be ultimately improved. Registering also allows you to receive updates and special offers, including discounts to BoltOps Pro. Registration is free and straightforward. You can register at: Register

Thanks for your support. Your support helps make lono software possible.


Configure your registration info with a .lono/registration.yml file located in either your project or home folder. Example:


name: Jon Doe
company: Dunder Mifflin
registration_key: EXAMPLE700ca40bc06ea909c40ec143487a10ac1aec7851ac0a3a7dbaEXAMPLE

You can confirm the registration info with lono registration check. Example:

$ lono registration check
Lono registration looks good!

SSM Support

You can optionally store registration info in SSM Param Store. To use them:


name: <%= ssm("/lono/registration/name") %>
company: <%= ssm("/lono/registration/company") %>
email: <%= ssm("/lono/registration/email") %>
registration_key: <%= ssm("/lono/registration/registration_key") %>

Debug Registration

It can be useful to show the registration info being used with the --debug option.

$ lono registration check --debug
Debug mode enabled. Here's the lono registration info being used:
name: Jon Doe
company: Dunder Mifflin
registration_key: EXAMPLE700ca40bc06ea909c40ec143487a10ac1aec7851ac0a3a7dbaEXAMPLE

Lono registration looks good!

Pro tip: Use the <- and -> arrow keys to move back and forward.

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