Blueprint Lookup Locations

Blueprints encapsulation CloudFormation templates in a convenient and reusable way. Blueprints are searched for in a few locations. It is similiar to how LOAD_PATH works.

Location Type Description
PROJECT/app/blueprints project Your project blueprints
PROJECT/vendor/blueprints vendor Frozen vendor blueprints
gems folder gem The gems folder is the location where the blueprint gem is installed. You can use bundle show GEM to reveal the location.

lono blueprints command

The lono blueprints command provides a quick way to find out what blueprints are available.

$ lono blueprints
Available blueprints:
|  Name  |                                           Path                                            |  Type   |
| demo   | app/blueprints/demo                                                                       | project |
| ec2    | vendor/blueprints/ec2                                                                     | vendor  |
| aurora | /home/ec2-user/.rbenv/versions/2.5.6/lib/ruby/gems/2.5.0/bundler/gems/aurora-ab338891588b | gem     |

Pro tip: Use the <- and -> arrow keys to move back and forward.

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