Blueprint Structure

A DSL blueprint structure looks like this:

├── app
│   ├── helpers
│   ├── templates
│   │   └── demo.rb
│   └── user_data
│       └──
├── demo.gemspec
└── seed
    └── configs.rb

Within the blueprint folder, lono uses the files under the app folder and your projects configs files to generate CloudFormation templates and launch stacks. The template is the component you’ll usually work mostly with, IE: app/templates/demo.rb.

Files and Folders Within Blueprint

File / Folders Description
app/helpers Define your custom helpers here. The custom helpers are made available to templates, variables, and params. Helpers are covered in detail in custom helpers.
app/templates Where CloudFromation templates are defined. Refer to the DSL docs for the syntax.
app/user_data Where user_data scripts live. You can include the user data script into your code with the user_data builtin helper
demo.gemspec Where the gem specs and dependencies are defined. Blueprints make use of gemspecs to handle dependencies.
seed/configs.rb Where a setup script can be defined to work with lono seed.

Pro tip: Use the <- and -> arrow keys to move back and forward.

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