Template Definitions

Template definitions are a core component of lono. Template definitions are:

  1. where you specify the template source to use
  2. what variables to make available for those specific templates
  3. where the output template files should be written to

A template configuration takes the following general form:

template "[OUTPUT NAME]" do
  source "[SOURCE_NAME]"

Template definitions are defined in the app/definitions folder of your project.


Let’s walk through an example. Given:


template "example-stack" do
  source "example"
    app: "example-app",
    InstanceType: "m4.small",
    elb: true,


Description: <%= @app.capitalize %> Stack
    ConstraintDescription: must be a valid EC2 instance type.
    Default: <%= @instance_type %>
    Description: WebServer EC2 instance type
<% if @elb %>
      AvailabilityZones: !GetAZs ""
    Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer
<% end %>

Note that some of the source code is truncated to keep the explanation concise. In this example, the source is set as example. This tells lono to use the template source found at source/example.yml. The .yml extension is inferred automatically.

The variables to use are: app, instance_type and elb. These variables will be available to the source/example.yml template. These variables are only available specifically to the template source, whereas shared variables are available globally to all templates.

Lastly, the output name specified is example-stack. This tells lono to generate the output template to output/example-stack.yml. The .yml extension is inferred automatically.

When lono generate runs, lono uses the information in app/definitions/base.rb and app/templates/example.yml to generate the template to output/templates/example.yml.

Template definitions also support layering, covered in Layering Support.

Template conventions

The template declaration follows a naming convention that can be used to shorten your template declarations. Let’s say that the template’s output name matches the source name:


template "example" do
  source "example"
    app: "example-app",
    InstanceType: "m4.small",
    elb: true,

Since the output and source name are both example you can remove the source line and simplify this declaration down to:

template "example" do
    app: "example-app",
    InstanceType: "m4.small",
    elb: true,

If you do not need to declare any variables within the template block, you can take the code down further.

template "example" do

At this point the do...end block is optional so then the template declaration becomes one line:

template "example"

You might think that you will always need to specify template variables in the code block, but it is not always necessary depending on how you use shared variables which are covered next.

Pro tip: Use the <- and -> arrow keys to move back and forward.

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