Lambda Layers
Lono supports building and uploading Ruby Gem Lambda Layers. Here’s an example Lambda function and Gemfile to demonstrate how lono helps with building Lambda layers.
def lambda_handler(event:, context:)
puts "event: #{JSON.dump(event)}"
puts "context: #{JSON.dump(context)}"
{message: "hello world"}
source ""
gem "s3-secure" # just an example gem - Lambda Layer cannot be empty and requires at least one gem
Then we’ll create the Lambda function and layer.
resource("Function", "AWS::Lambda::Function",
Code: {
S3Bucket: s3_bucket,
S3Key: s3_key("lambda-function/"), # maps to app/files/lambda-function
Description: "Lambda Function",
Handler: "index.lambda_handler",
Layers: [ref("LayerVersion")],
Role: get_att("LambdaExecutionRole.Arn"),
Runtime: "ruby2.7",
Timeout: "300",
resource("LayerVersion", "AWS::Lambda::LayerVersion",
CompatibleRuntimes: ["ruby2.7"],
Content: {
S3Bucket: s3_bucket,
S3Key: s3_key("lambda-function/", type: "lambda_layer", lang: "ruby") # type: "lambda_layer" results in autobuilding the layer using the Gemfile.lock
Description: "lambda layer",
LayerName: "lambda-layer", # if not named, then it defaults to the logical id
LicenseInfo: "Nonstandard"
We specify s3_key("lambda-function/", type: "lambda_layer", lang: "ruby")
using the same folder where the index.rb
Ruby code and Gemfile
is located. This tells lono to use the Gemfile in that folder to build the Lambda Layer.
IMPORANT: Make sure to run bundle
in the app/files/lambda-function
folder to generate an updated Gemfile.lock
Lambda Layers for Other Languages
Lono currently does not automatically build Lambda Layers for other languages to the same degree of convenience as Ruby. For other languages, add the files directly to the app/files
folder. Lono automatically uploads files in that directory so you can use it in a Lambda Layer. Example:
resource("LayerVersion", "AWS::Lambda::LayerVersion",
CompatibleRuntimes: ["python3.8"],
Content: {
S3Bucket: s3_bucket,
S3Key: s3_key("python-layer/") # no type so it doesnt trigger the lambda layer autobuilding
Description: "python layer",
LayerName: "python-layer", # if not named, then it defaults to the logical id
LicenseInfo: "Nonstandard"
You can add the lambda layer files in the app/files/python-layer/
Pro tip: Use the <- and -> arrow keys to move back and forward.
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