Upgrading Guide

Upgrading Lono to some releases may require some extra changes. For example, the Lono project structure can change between major versions. This page provides a summary of the releases requiring some upgrade work.

Upgrading Summary

The following table summarizes the releases and upgrade paths.

Version Notes
7.0 Project structural change: project blueprints moved from blueprints to app/blueprints.
5.0 Major project structural changes to introduce blueprints concept.
4.2 Change settings.yml structure.
4.0 Major project structural changes to better organize app folder.

lono upgrade command

Though the lono upgrade command is designed to be idempotent and should be safe to run, you should create a backup of the project before running them. You run the upgrade command from within your lono project.

Upgrade Details

The following section provides a little more detail on each version upgrade. Note, not all versions required more details.


  • Project blueprints moved from blueprints to app/blueprints
  • You can use use the lono upgrade to upgrade from v6 to v7.
  • Removed old lono upgrade subcommands in favor of one lono upgrade. New upgrade command only works from v6 onward.


Major structural changes in v5. The standalone lono project in v4 is essentially a blueprint is v5. When you run the lono upgrade v4to5:

  • It moves all the files in the current lono project folder to a newly created blueprints/main folder.
  • It also moves the previous config/params and config/variables to a top-level configs/main folder.

Pro tip: Use the <- and -> arrow keys to move back and forward.

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