user_data_script Helper

The user_data_script helper is use to load the UserData scripts. The user_data_script reads the file that the @user_data_script variable is set to.


Let’s use an example to explain how it works. Say you have a template with an EC2 instance resource with the UserData property configured:

resource("Instance", "AWS::EC2::Instance",
  InstanceType: ref("InstanceType"),
  UserData: base64(sub(user_data_script)),

In the variables file, set the @user_data_script variable to the path of the script.


@user_data_script = "configs/demo/user_data/"

Make sure that the script exists. Example:


/opt/aws/bin/cfn-init -v --stack ${AWS::StackName} --resource Instance --region ${AWS::Region}

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