Project Configsets Lookup Locations
Project configsets are configured by you in one of the configs/BLUEPRINT/configsets folders. Example:
configset("httpd", resource: "Instance")
Project configsets are searched for in a few locations. It is similiar to how LOAD_PATH
Location | Type | Description |
PROJECT/app/configsets | project | Your project configsets |
PROJECT/vendor/configsets | vendor | Frozen vendor configsets |
gems folder | gem | The gems folder is the location where the configset gem is installed. You can use bundle show GEM to reveal the location. |
gems folder | materialized | Configsets that are dependencies of your configsets get materialized into the gems folder also. |
lono configsets command
The lono configsets command provides a quick way to find out what configsets are available.
$ lono configsets
Project configsets:
| Name | Path | Type |
| httpd | app/configsets/httpd | project |
| ruby | vendor/configsets/ruby | vendor |
| cfn-hup | /home/ec2-user/.rbenv/versions/2.5.6/lib/ruby/gems/2.5.0/bundler/gems/cfn-hup-fc7d06f81209 | gem |
| ssm | /home/ec2-user/.rbenv/versions/2.5.6/lib/ruby/gems/2.5.0/bundler/gems/ssm-0010ad27249d | gem |
Materialized Configsets
Usually, you add a configset to your Gemfile to make it available for use. Sometimes configsets are not specified by you though. Instead they are inferred by a blueprint or dependency of another configset. These types of configsets are automatically downloaded. These are known as “materialized” configsets.
Pro tip: Use the <- and -> arrow keys to move back and forward.
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