Quick Start

In a hurry? No problem! Here’s a quick start to using lono that takes only a few minutes.

gem install lono

Now we’re ready to create and launch some infrastructure. The commands below launches a CloudFormation stack with an EC2 Instance and Security Group.

lono new infra
cd infra
lono blueprint new demo
lono cfn deploy demo

Congratulations! You have successfully created a CloudFormation stack with lono. It’s that simple. 😁

What Just Happened?

Here’s a little more details to help understand what happened. We first installed lono and generated a new lono project called infra:

$ lono new infra
=> Creating new project called infra.
=> Creating new blueprint called demo.
=> Initialize git repo
=> Installing dependencies with: bundle install
Congrats  You have successfully created a lono project.  A starter demo blueprint was created
and is at blueprints/demo.  Check things out by going into the created infra folder.

    cd infra

To create a new blueprint run:

    lono blueprint new demo

To deploy the blueprint:

    lono cfn deploy my-demo --blueprint demo

If you name the stack according to conventions, you can simply run:

    lono cfn deploy demo

To list and create additional blueprints refer to https://lono.cloud/docs/core/blueprints

More info: https://lono.cloud/

Then we went into the infra project folder, created a blueprint, and deployed the demo stack:

lono blueprint new demo
lono cfn deploy demo

The command lono cfn deploy demo does a few things:

  1. Generate templates and params files using the blueprint in blueprints/demo.
  2. The templates and parameters files are written to output/demo/templates and output/demo/params.
  3. Launches the CloudFormation stack.

The example launches an EC2 instance with a security group. Check out the newly launch stack in the AWS console:

Stack Created

Pro tip: Use the <- and -> arrow keys to move back and forward.

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