lono blueprint new


lono blueprint new NAME


Generates new lono blueprint.


lono blueprint new demo # skeleton blueprint with barebones structure

Example Output

$ lono blueprint new demo
=> Creating new blueprint called demo.
      create  blueprints/demo
      create  blueprints/demo/demo.gemspec
      create  blueprints/demo/.gitignore
      create  blueprints/demo/CHANGELOG.md
      create  blueprints/demo/Gemfile
      create  blueprints/demo/README.md
      create  blueprints/demo/Rakefile
      create  blueprints/demo/seed/configs.rb
       exist  blueprints/demo
      create  blueprints/demo/app/templates/demo.rb
      create  blueprints/demo/app/user_data/bootstrap.sh
       exist  blueprints/demo/app/templates
      create  configs/demo/params/development.txt
      create  configs/demo/params/production.txt
      create  configs/demo/variables/development.rb
      create  configs/demo/variables/production.rb
=> Installing dependencies with: bundle install
Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.org/..........
Bundle complete! 4 Gemfile dependencies, 9 gems now installed.
Use `bundle info [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.
Congrats  You have successfully created a lono blueprint.

Cd into your blueprint and check things out.

    cd demo

More info: https://lono.cloud/docs/core/blueprints

Here is the structure of your blueprint:

├── app
│   ├── templates
│   │   └── demo.rb
│   └── user_data
│       └── bootstrap.sh
├── demo.gemspec
├── Gemfile
├── Gemfile.lock
├── Rakefile
├── README.md
└── seed
    └── configs.rb


[--bundle], [--no-bundle]      # Runs bundle install on the project
                               # Default: true
[--demo], [--no-demo]          # Include demo template
                               # Default: true
[--force]                      # Bypass overwrite are you sure prompt for existing files.
[--from-new], [--no-from-new]  # Called from `lono new` command.
[--import], [--no-import]      # Flag for lono code import
[--project-name=PROJECT_NAME]  # Only used with from_new internally
[--type=TYPE]                  # Blueprint type: dsl or erb
                               # Default: dsl

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