lono new


lono new NAME


Generates new lono project.


lono new infra # starter project with demo blueprint

By default, lono new generates a skeleton project. Use TEMPLATE to generate different starter projects. List of the starter templates.

Example Output

$ lono new infra
=> Creating new project called infra.
      create  infra
      create  infra/.gitignore
      create  infra/Gemfile
      create  infra/Guardfile
      create  infra/README.md
      create  infra/configs/settings.yml
=> Creating new blueprint called demo.
      create  infra/blueprints/demo
      create  infra/blueprints/demo/demo.gemspec
      create  infra/blueprints/demo/.gitignore
      create  infra/blueprints/demo/Gemfile
      create  infra/blueprints/demo/README.md
      create  infra/blueprints/demo/seed/configs.rb
       exist  infra/blueprints/demo
      create  infra/blueprints/demo/app/templates/demo.rb
      create  infra/blueprints/demo/app/user_data/bootstrap.sh
       exist  infra/blueprints/demo/app/templates
       exist  infra
      create  infra/configs/demo/params/base.txt
      create  infra/configs/demo/params/development.txt
      create  infra/configs/demo/variables/base.rb
      create  infra/configs/demo/variables/development.rb
=> Initialize git repo
=> Installing dependencies with: bundle install
=> Commit git repo
Congrats  You have successfully created a lono project.  A starter demo blueprint was created
and is at blueprints/demo.  Check things out by going into the created infra folder.

  cd infra

  To create a new blueprint run:

      lono blueprint new demo

  To deploy the blueprint:

      lono cfn deploy my-demo --blueprint demo

  If you name the stack according to conventions, you can simply run:

      lono cfn deploy demo

  To list and create additional blueprints refer to https://lono.cloud/docs/core/blueprints

More info: https://lono.cloud/


[--bundle], [--no-bundle]  # Runs bundle install on the project
                           # Default: true
[--demo], [--no-demo]      # Also generate demo blueprint
[--force]                  # Bypass overwrite are you sure prompt for existing files.
[--git], [--no-git]        # Git initialize the project
                           # Default: true
[--type=TYPE]              # Blueprint type: dsl or erb
                           # Default: dsl

Runtime options:
-f, [--force]                    # Overwrite files that already exist
-p, [--pretend], [--no-pretend]  # Run but do not make any changes
-q, [--quiet], [--no-quiet]      # Suppress status output
-s, [--skip], [--no-skip]        # Skip files that already exist

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